Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Everest Report Essay

The Everest simulation is a group and team exercise that encourage us to play a unique role of a team of hikers, attempting to reach the summit of Mount Everest. The simulation is designed so that members are dependent on each other and are encouraged to work collectively in order to achieve the highest team goal outcome possible whiles simultaneously completing as much personal goals as the members can. The purpose of the report is to anyalyse the team experience while applying a range of subjects, concepts and theories that is learnt in the course â€Å"managing people and organization† to out experience, illustrating the 1. Group and teams 2. Power and Conflict 3. attitudes, perception and personality The simulation requires team members to be able to lead, to participate and to communicate and motivate each other effectively while making critical decisions in response to different situations and circumstances in each stages of the simulation while considering the different information each members received and the conflicting or opposing interests of each members. The experience gives us a first-hand insight into working as a team, it has enabled us to identify the benefits and the potential problem of working in a team or work group in the contemporary and dynamic business environment. We experience how conflict, power, collective thinking, and attitudes can be managed and influence to either benefit the team performance or hinder it. The Everest group simulation is a web-based simulation/ exercise produced by the Harvard Business School Where five or six students are placed into a formal group and each are assigned individual, unique and vital role to play by the system. Additionally, each individuals are given specific goals/mission in respect to their roles. The students are encouraged to work collectively as a team of hikers attempting to reach the summit of Mount Everest, whilst completing as many team and individual goals as they possibly can. The simulation covers a range of subjects, concepts and theories that is learnt in the course â€Å"managing people and organization†, illustrating the 4. Group and teams 5. Power and Conflict 6. attitudes, perception and personality The simulation requires team members to be able to lead, to participate and to communicate and motivate each other effectively while making critical decisions in response to different situations and circumstances in each stages of the simulation while considering the different information each members received and the conflicting or opposing interests of each members. GROUPS AND TEAMS Using Tucker’s five stages of group devleopment as the basis on describing the Everest Simulation. The forming stage began when every students were randomly assigned to a temporary team of 5 or 6 for the purpose of completing the everest simulation. During the tutorial, the team members had the chance to briefly introduced themselves and then proceed to discussing the team contract and at the end, members exchanged personal information as described by Tuckman (Maples 2008) . There was anxiety as we were stangers at first, curiosity of how the simulation experience will look like, and positive expectation for the team, as desrcibed by Lacoursiere and Spitz (Tuckman 1977). It is important to note that when using Tucker’s five stages of group development(Tuckman 1977) to describe our team experience, our team did not proceed sequentially from one stage to the next ie. from forming to storming, norming performing and lastly adjourning, as described by Tucker (Tuckman 1977). Rather, our group tends to occasionally regress back to previous stages of group development; as our team is always moving back and forth between the storming, norming and performing stage. The storming stage occured when our team were discussing the team contract. This stage is described by Tuckman as characterised of intragroup conflict (Tuckman 1977) For example, Everyone had their own opinions on which communication tool to use before, during and after the simulation and had their own preference on the location to meetup to run the simulation. We proceed to the norming stage when conflict of opinions are identified during the team contract. Noting that we were all strangers, the team contract discussion went smoothly as everyone was demonstrating a positive attitude and behaviour with agreeableness driven by the desire to get along and to be accepted by one another, and to avoid any serious potential conflict.Tuckman described this procces as devleoping group cohesion (Tuckman 1977) (Maples 2008) .The day and time to meet for the simulation was established rather quick as no one was traveling or had conflicting schedule. Although there were few suggestions of location to meet up prior the simulation, a solution came up rather quickly. The team decided to use communication tool, i.e. mobile phone or email before and after the  simulation as to discuss any further issues/problem prior and after the simulation. However most of the time our communication is via email. For the day of the simulation, the whole team member agreed on meeting and communicating face to face. We regressed back to the storming stage when prior to the first stage of the simulation, roles are given to us i.e. Leader, Marathon runner, environmentalist, photographer, physician and observer; and individual and team goals are assigned. In this stage, new problems and issues are addressed and conflicting opinions are voiced out by each member. i.e. How is the team going to simultaneously meet the team goals and personal goals as well as reaching the summit while avoiding being rescue. We move forward to the norming stage again when when roles and relationship has been accepted and familiarized, and personal goals has been reviewed as described by Tuckman (Maples 2008); team contract was also refereed back to in order to remind some members of how we are going to proceed throughout the simulation. During this stage, there was cohesiveness, cooperation and collaboration as described by Maples (maples 2008) between members as everyone wanted to achieve our primary goal of reaching the summit as a team. Our team undergo the performing stage when completing round 1 of the simulation after problem have been solved and final decision have been made (maples 2008). However, our team regressed back to the storming stage when new problems occurred at round 2 and new conflicting opinions are raised by team members. This trend of going back and forth between storming and performing stage continue to occur as our team progresses to each new rounds, new problems are presented such as frostbite or changing health condition forcing our team to regressed back to the storming stage. Unfortunately the end results of team goals and my individual goals indicated a bad performance by our team. This is the adjourning stage of our temporary group where the Everest simulation is completed, roles and duties are terminated as described by Tuckman (Maples 2008), and the members are concern with the disengagement and termination of the group as described by Braaten (Tuckman 1977). To some  members, there is some sense of achievement i.e. 2 out of 5 reached the summit, to others, there might be some sense of regret as we know we could of done better. After the simulation, we continue to discuss about the simulation experience via email and face to face. Analysis on experience based on groups and teams It was beneficial that our team agree to meet face-to-face rather than communicating virtually when running the simulation. It reflects the fact that our team is considered a future team described by Algae as having little experience as an intact team or share no past history with team members but expects to have an extended future with fellow members. (Algae 2003) Furthermore, the simulation is designed so that each members are interdependent of each other due to their roles and task in the simulation; as a result, our team is motivated to be open and trusting with one another during the simulation and tend to share information prior the simulation and during the early stages of the simulation similar to the argument of Algae. (Algae 2003) Our team has also set certain standards and norms during our team contract discussion which members are expected to follow, i.e. expected individual attendance, being punctual and participate and engage in discussion and active listening; we believe that the later(participation) will benefit our team decision-making process during the simulation. While our team tends to be open and communicative during the early stages by expressing their opinions and generating diverse alternatives for decision making, we tend to be less engage in decision making during the later stages of the simulation. Consequently, 3 out of 5 of our members were rescued off the mountain after round 3. I suspect that we have fallen into the trap of group-think where some of the members adopt an agreeableness personality and therefore may have contribute to poor decision making as described by Charles (Charles 1997). As we are a self-managing team, evidently we tend to be cohesive and emphasized excessively on majority voting and support our team goals rather than our own personal opinion therefore contributing to  the occurrence of group-think, and this is similary argued in Charles article (Charles 1997) Additionally, I felt that we have also forgotten about the team contract and the norm that we have set which states we must contribute to the decision-making process, as we do not occasionally refer back to the contract. What could have been done to reduce group-think is to develop a strong group norm/culture that values debate and disagreement from group members and to continuously promote and encourage team-think characterized of divergent views, open expression and discussion of collective doubts (Charles 1997). Power and Conflict Analysis of experience based on power and conflict To what extent of power each member has wasn’t important as members were treated with equal importance as the simulation is designed so that we are interdependent on each other. Furthermore, we agreed to adopt a shared leadership therefore everyone would feel equal, valued and involved. Although the leader was assigned to have the higher power due to his higher position in the hierarchy within the team, team members did not express any concern or demonstrate any negative attitude in response to his role. According to Bachrach, Baratz and Dahl, power is define as the ability to influence others to do something that it would not otherwise have done (politis 2005). By accepting this definition, our team did not exercised power enough to promote conflict during the simulation. Our team tends to hold a strong traditional view of conflict where conflict is seen as a problem that should be minimize or suppressed rather than the contemporary view of conflict where differences in opinions, alternatives and opposing views can be a positive sign teams in terms of decision making, as stated by Hellriegel (Darling 2001). As a result, our team only engaged in numerous minor level of conflict. For example, during the team contract discussion, members freely and comfortably expressed their different opinions of locations that they find suitable to meet up. The fact that we  are all strangers, gives us the incentive to avoid high level of conflict that may offend personal feelings and threaten relationships. As we progress through further rounds, I notice how it took a relatively shorter amount of time to make the final decisions in response to new problems and to proceed to the further stages. For example, when distributing the canister prior to proceed to the summit, there wasn’t a single opposing view by any of the other team members. This may indicate that the team members have continuously avoid conflict. Consequently, we did not achieve a high proportion of our team goals and my own personal goals. This trend supports Chen’s study and Song’s argument that adopting an avoiding conflict management behavior reduces team’s innovation performance. (Chen 2012) Culture may also play a part in our attitude towards conflict as we are all of Asian heritage; as Chen argued that â€Å"Chinese managers rely on an avoiding style because of their relatively high value on conformity and tradition; but US managers rely more on a competing style because of their relatively high value on individual achievement.† (Chen 2012) Something that is noteworthy from our team experience is the connection between avoiding conflict management and group-think which both occurred during our simulation, Cheng argued that adopting an avoiding behavior makes it very difficult for team to create open discussions or generate alternatives for decision making as seen in our team experience and therefore leads to the occurrence of group-thinks. (Chen 2012) As a result, What was lacking in our team is the persistent promotion of conflict in the later stages of the simulation; Consequently, it lead to a avoiding behavior and higher occurrence of group-think. Amason noted 2 types of conflict, cognitive conflict, that improve team’s effectiveness by encouraging team members to participate in decision making and generate variety of ideas and opinions; and affective conflict, that hinders team effectiveness by provoking hostility and distrust among members. (Amason 1995). The leader should have consider using his legitimate  power to promote cognitive conflict and encouraged members to comfortably and freely voice out objection or opinions. As I identify myself as an introvert, I tend to have a habit of not voicing out my opinion or express my view that may be in conflict with the other members decisions; this has happen in some occasion during the simulation. For example, when the environmentalist and myself are both in a weak condition, the doctor suggest that medicine should be given to the environmentalist and I agree without considering the situation for myself and the environmentalist. Another example, is when the leader announce the distribution of canister, I didn’t question his method however I was concern; consequently I did not make it to the summit as I ran out of oxygen. As Webb hypothesized, extroverted persons would participate more actively in group interaction than would introverted persons (Webb 1982) I find myself valuing personal feelings in surface level and tend to have strong view about traditional conflict therefore have the urge to avoid conflict. Attitudes, Perception and Personality Analysis of experience based on attitude, perception and personality During early stages of the simulation, our team was demonstrating a positive personality and attitude towards the simulation and other team members with openness and trust. Consequently, We were promoting organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) while simultaneously avoiding any workplace misbehavior. This is supported by Chiaburu findings that emotional stability, extraversion and openness promote higher citizenship relative to conscientiousness and agreeableness (Chiaburu 2011). This behaviors was partly due to the fact that the simulation was a one off event and therefore there is no second chances if we make a potential mistake due to any misbehavior; we don’t want to mess up or leave a bad impression especially since we are considered as future teams with no past history or relationship with each other(algae 2003). Another reason may be that we are all from an Asian heritage and therefore we tend to relate to each other easily. One of the problem with the design of the simulation is that the roles were assign to us without our preferences. Therefore the leader was unable to consider our personality and values that would best fit the 6 available roles and unable to initiate structure, that is, defining and structuring roles of group members ( Kerr 1974) For example, the observer was more involved in decision making and had a more proactive personality in comparison to myself and therefore may have done a better performance if assigned to another role. Although her role exclude her from running the simulation, she tend to be highly involved and felt that she had gain a job satisfaction. What some of the members such as myself lack is a proactive personality and attitude in later stages. This pro-activity that is characterized of people who identify opportunities, show initiative, take action. Perception can be a dangerous factor that may have hinder our team outcomes. Although there wasn’t a time limit established for the simulation, our team perceived a time limit for the simulation therefore felt a need to rush in the process. Evidently, in late stages, we tend to accept choices straight away without coming up with alternatives, decision making felt relatively faster as we progress through further rounds. In some occasions, information is perceived as of no relevance or we tend to underestimate or overlook the information given. For example, we think too highly of our health status and as long as we are not critical, we will be fine. Consequently we ignored the frostbite warning, our doctor got rescued due to a severe frostbite. The members also perceived that the leader know what is best for the team and has experience leading, and therefore we do not voice out. The same example, when our leader was distributing the canister, no one question his judgment. However, little do we know that the leader may be inexperience or have limited knowledge like us in regards to leading as he was only given the role during the simulation and had no time to plan. Additionally, while our team tends to be more analytical and calculative in the early stages, our team tends to be more risk taking in the later stage;  For example, we have strong support for our goal to reach the summit as a team rather than sacrificing any of our members therefore canister was distributed to everyone however subconsciously, I knew that both me and the environmentalist wouldn’t make in with the limited canister, neither me nor her would wish to offend each other by asking one another to sacrifice , as a result, both me and the environmentalist ran out of oxygen . Conclusion The Everest simulation was a beneficial experience by providing me insights into the team environment. Through the simulation, our team was able to apply theories and knowledge learned from the course Mgmt 1001 to practical use in team situations, demonstrating the relevance and logic behind these theories. The experience has enable us to identify the benefits and the potential problem of working in a team or work group. The benefit includes effective communication, collective thinking, cognitive conflict, generating diverse alternatives and opinions while the potential problem includes ineffective communication, conformity, group-think and affective conflict. Ultimately, it depends on the teams ability to manage this issues in order to achieve high performance and effective decision making..

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trader Joe’s

Economical, technological, demographics, economical, political, and socio-cultural trends taken into consideration by Trader Joe's and help lead to their continuing success. When it comes to economic factor, Trader Joe's has performed well in all economic conditions. The company performs well in a weak economy because they offer low prices. In strong economy the company offers unique products which help them perform well. Consumers are very price conscious, the are always looking for reasonable deals with healthier food. Trader Joe's carry quality products at reasonable prices which is rare. It has been seen that during economic downturn, people tend to shop more at grocery stores. When gas prices are high people have less disposable income but when gas prices are low they have more disposable income and are willing to try new items at grocery stores. Increase in income is resulting an increase in disbursal thus spending more on wide range of products which is helping Trader Joe's attract more customers. However, with the outstanding performances Trader Joe's adapted with the economic trends, they have shown slow progress in technological trends. The company is yet to adapt to new technologies trends. Trader Joe's does not utilize any social media platforms, applications, web based services, or loyalty programs. Since, self-checkout and advertising through mobile apps are getting more common the company has not taken these trends into considerations. Utilizing technological trends to advertise and connect with consumers may positively influence Trader Joe's. Demographic trends were taken into account in Trader Joe's strategy to note the population they are targeting. The population continues to grow and because the population is growing this means that it will have an impact on food consumption. Since, more and more immigrant move into the country it increases the population, and increase the needs and wants for food selection. Also, people in the current economy who are getting extra income chose to spend it on food that is organic, natural, and healthy for them. With competitive market, the trend is moving toward healthy products and low price options. The socio-cultural factors of health consciousness, population growth, and age all have an impact in the trends of food consumption, which directly affect the way Trader Joe's carries out business. The government not only makes sure food is safe but also if it is regulated properly. Legal and political trends have educated people about more sustainable lifestyles and healthier eating habits. The increasing consumer concern over the purity and safety of food has led to the demand for organic and natural food. Trader Joe's attracts consumers by offering quality products cheaper than its competitors. Trader Joe's has many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The company offers a unique shopping atmosphere will helps attract customers. The employees are seen wearing Hawaiian shirts and hand out samples of food and drinks to customers. Trader Joe's are known to have low turnover rates compared to their competitors because they offer good working conditions. The company prides itself when it comes to its employees. Trader Joe's employees help strengthen the brand and image. The company select employees who are positive, enthusiastic, and who help convey the company's image to its consumers. However, with incredible strengths that the company portrays, there are some weaknesses. The company's poor social media presence, lack of advertising, and limited product selection, has lead to concerns. Many opportunities can be implemented to overcome these weaknesses. Expanding advertising to social media outlets can help target new customers and potentially increase profits. Also, international expansion may be an opportunity for the company. Alongside opportunities that Trader Joe's can implement there are many threats that have surfaced. The company is faced with old and new competitors. One specific competitors of Trader Joe's being Whole Foods Market, who aim to have more accessible prices for their private label brands, target more price sensitive customers as well as health conscious customers. It is known that the Trader Joe's has been profitable. However, there is still some area of concerns. Using Porter's five forces Trader Joe's can better understand the competitiveness of their business environment. The five forces can help identify the company's potential profitability. The following will discuss Trader Joe's using the five forces model to determine how market forces may affect their company. Forces can help assist the companies to gain a broader picture of what affects the profitability of the organization and how to fix it. Also, by understanding the forces, Trader Joe's can shape these forces in their favor. Industry Rivalry – Competitive rivalry looks at number and strength of competitors. For Trader Joe's industry rivalry risk is medium to high since the number of competitors is growing. Several grocers have developed over the past years and having a low level of product diversity can also increase competition. Trader Joe's core competitors have large numbers of capital as well as economies of scale. Threat of New Entrants – Potential threat of new entrants is low to medium. Since there is extreme cost and capital requirements it is harder for other entrants to join. Finding cheap or health conscious suppliers would be difficult. Getting good quality food for cheaper price is hard to deliver but it is not impossible. However, a brand name like Trader Joe's which took many years to build, would be difficult for entrants. Also, given that Trader Joe's is a specialty grocery store, makes the threat of new entrants lower and because the company uses absolute cost advantages in many aspects of its business operations. Threat of Substitutes – There is a medium to high threat of substitutes products from other industries in the market since customers have a variety of other places to shop at. Although, supermarkets are gaining market share and similar products are found elsewhere, Trader Joe's has an advantages since they have their own branded products. Power of Suppliers – The power of suppliers is determined by how easy it is for your suppliers to increase their prices. Trader Joe's power of suppliers is moderately low. There is high competition amongst suppliers. Trader Joe's have an advantage because of their non-disclosure which makes it undetectable to consumers if they changed their supplier. Trader Joe's never disclose their manufacturers or suppliers hence it allows them to get a better deal with respect to its competitors. Power of Buyers – The bargaining power of buyers the ability in which buyers can drive prices dow or the quality up. Buyer's power for Trader Joe's is moderately high because of the large number of customers who have control over the price and quality of the products. Buyers are looking for the best products available but at the lowest price possible which can put pressure on the company's profitability in the long run. The more powerful the buyers, the higher the bargaining power of the customers. In order to continue its success, Trader Joe's needs to consider the following alternative strategies regarding the concerns facing the company, such the lack of advertising, the minimal selection of products, and lack in social media presence. The clearest strategy to implement in order to offset the lack in advertising is to create a effective advertisement by knowing the audience, deciding on a target location, planning a budget, thinking about the message the ad will send, and highlighting competitive advantages. Advertising in magazines, radio stations, or even television programs would be a good place to start. This strategy formulation will not only help Trader Joe's reach a large audience, but will attract new customers. If done correctly, advertisement can be a key investment for businesses including Trader Joe's. The second concern that Trader Joe's faces is the little selection of products which can be overcomed by testing new products at certain stores across the country. This can be done by studying competition, targeting ideal customers, researching the market, proper pricing, and developing a list of potential buyers. Having diversity in products is a key concept in maximizing profits. For example, Trader Joe's can consider providing its customers with healthier food items. Since, government regulations and society's are pushing toward healthy diets to help fight the obesity rates, people are more likely to pursue a healthy diet. Lastly, a crucial strategy formulation for Trader Joe's to consider involve incorporating social media presence in the company that can help diversify themselves from competitors. Creating official pages on social media outlets, is inexpensive and mostly free. Trader Joe's can promote from within which will help them better connect with customers and will allow them to advertise. Absence in social media has prevented the company from realizing its benefits that would come from online shopping. Its competitors such as Walmart and Safeway provide customers the option of online shopping on their application and web page along with in-store outlets. The company can create an app with flyers of weekly store sales, promotions, and online check-out options. Having a presence online whether it be a webpage or an application, will help provide the convenience of shopping from home as well as attract from traffic. The popularity of social media is a perfect opportunity for Trader Joe's because it allows them to become more active at minimal cost. The value chain analysis, five forces, and swot analysis help provide Trader Joe's an insight of the supermarket industry. The company's competitive advantage and current opportunities and threats can either help or harm the company's competitive sustainability in the future. Additionally, Trader Joe's can set themselves apart from their competitors by developing social media outlets, by increasing advertisement, and innovating new products in their stores. The company has successfully created a brand for its company using various strategy compared to their competitors. However, to continue growth Trader Joe's needs to implement the following strategies which will ensure competitive advantages. Without these planned initiatives, other competitors can easily purloin these strategies and move ahead of Trader Joe's. Trader Joe’s Economical, technological, demographics, economical, political, and socio-cultural trends taken into consideration by Trader Joe's and help lead to their continuing success. When it comes to economic factor, Trader Joe's has performed well in all economic conditions. The company performs well in a weak economy because they offer low prices. In strong economy the company offers unique products which help them perform well. Consumers are very price conscious, the are always looking for reasonable deals with healthier food. Trader Joe's carry quality products at reasonable prices which is rare. It has been seen that during economic downturn, people tend to shop more at grocery stores. When gas prices are high people have less disposable income but when gas prices are low they have more disposable income and are willing to try new items at grocery stores. Increase in income is resulting an increase in disbursal thus spending more on wide range of products which is helping Trader Joe's attract more customers. However, with the outstanding performances Trader Joe's adapted with the economic trends, they have shown slow progress in technological trends. The company is yet to adapt to new technologies trends. Trader Joe's does not utilize any social media platforms, applications, web based services, or loyalty programs. Since, self-checkout and advertising through mobile apps are getting more common the company has not taken these trends into considerations. Utilizing technological trends to advertise and connect with consumers may positively influence Trader Joe's. Demographic trends were taken into account in Trader Joe's strategy to note the population they are targeting. The population continues to grow and because the population is growing this means that it will have an impact on food consumption. Since, more and more immigrant move into the country it increases the population, and increase the needs and wants for food selection. Also, people in the current economy who are getting extra income chose to spend it on food that is organic, natural, and healthy for them. With competitive market, the trend is moving toward healthy products and low price options. The socio-cultural factors of health consciousness, population growth, and age all have an impact in the trends of food consumption, which directly affect the way Trader Joe's carries out business. The government not only makes sure food is safe but also if it is regulated properly. Legal and political trends have educated people about more sustainable lifestyles and healthier eating habits. The increasing consumer concern over the purity and safety of food has led to the demand for organic and natural food. Trader Joe's attracts consumers by offering quality products cheaper than its competitors. Trader Joe's has many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The company offers a unique shopping atmosphere will helps attract customers. The employees are seen wearing Hawaiian shirts and hand out samples of food and drinks to customers. Trader Joe's are known to have low turnover rates compared to their competitors because they offer good working conditions. The company prides itself when it comes to its employees. Trader Joe's employees help strengthen the brand and image. The company select employees who are positive, enthusiastic, and who help convey the company's image to its consumers. However, with incredible strengths that the company portrays, there are some weaknesses. The company's poor social media presence, lack of advertising, and limited product selection, has lead to concerns. Many opportunities can be implemented to overcome these weaknesses. Expanding advertising to social media outlets can help target new customers and potentially increase profits. Also, international expansion may be an opportunity for the company. Alongside opportunities that Trader Joe's can implement there are many threats that have surfaced. The company is faced with old and new competitors. One specific competitors of Trader Joe's being Whole Foods Market, who aim to have more accessible prices for their private label brands, target more price sensitive customers as well as health conscious customers. It is known that the Trader Joe's has been profitable. However, there is still some area of concerns. Using Porter's five forces Trader Joe's can better understand the competitiveness of their business environment. The five forces can help identify the company's potential profitability. The following will discuss Trader Joe's using the five forces model to determine how market forces may affect their company. Forces can help assist the companies to gain a broader picture of what affects the profitability of the organization and how to fix it. Also, by understanding the forces, Trader Joe's can shape these forces in their favor. Industry Rivalry – Competitive rivalry looks at number and strength of competitors. For Trader Joe's industry rivalry risk is medium to high since the number of competitors is growing. Several grocers have developed over the past years and having a low level of product diversity can also increase competition. Trader Joe's core competitors have large numbers of capital as well as economies of scale. Threat of New Entrants – Potential threat of new entrants is low to medium. Since there is extreme cost and capital requirements it is harder for other entrants to join. Finding cheap or health conscious suppliers would be difficult. Getting good quality food for cheaper price is hard to deliver but it is not impossible. However, a brand name like Trader Joe's which took many years to build, would be difficult for entrants. Also, given that Trader Joe's is a specialty grocery store, makes the threat of new entrants lower and because the company uses absolute cost advantages in many aspects of its business operations. Threat of Substitutes – There is a medium to high threat of substitutes products from other industries in the market since customers have a variety of other places to shop at. Although, supermarkets are gaining market share and similar products are found elsewhere, Trader Joe's has an advantages since they have their own branded products. Power of Suppliers – The power of suppliers is determined by how easy it is for your suppliers to increase their prices. Trader Joe's power of suppliers is moderately low. There is high competition amongst suppliers. Trader Joe's have an advantage because of their non-disclosure which makes it undetectable to consumers if they changed their supplier. Trader Joe's never disclose their manufacturers or suppliers hence it allows them to get a better deal with respect to its competitors. Power of Buyers – The bargaining power of buyers the ability in which buyers can drive prices dow or the quality up. Buyer's power for Trader Joe's is moderately high because of the large number of customers who have control over the price and quality of the products. Buyers are looking for the best products available but at the lowest price possible which can put pressure on the company's profitability in the long run. The more powerful the buyers, the higher the bargaining power of the customers. In order to continue its success, Trader Joe's needs to consider the following alternative strategies regarding the concerns facing the company, such the lack of advertising, the minimal selection of products, and lack in social media presence. The clearest strategy to implement in order to offset the lack in advertising is to create a effective advertisement by knowing the audience, deciding on a target location, planning a budget, thinking about the message the ad will send, and highlighting competitive advantages. Advertising in magazines, radio stations, or even television programs would be a good place to start. This strategy formulation will not only help Trader Joe's reach a large audience, but will attract new customers. If done correctly, advertisement can be a key investment for businesses including Trader Joe's. The second concern that Trader Joe's faces is the little selection of products which can be overcomed by testing new products at certain stores across the country. This can be done by studying competition, targeting ideal customers, researching the market, proper pricing, and developing a list of potential buyers. Having diversity in products is a key concept in maximizing profits. For example, Trader Joe's can consider providing its customers with healthier food items. Since, government regulations and society's are pushing toward healthy diets to help fight the obesity rates, people are more likely to pursue a healthy diet. Lastly, a crucial strategy formulation for Trader Joe's to consider involve incorporating social media presence in the company that can help diversify themselves from competitors. Creating official pages on social media outlets, is inexpensive and mostly free. Trader Joe's can promote from within which will help them better connect with customers and will allow them to advertise. Absence in social media has prevented the company from realizing its benefits that would come from online shopping. Its competitors such as Walmart and Safeway provide customers the option of online shopping on their application and web page along with in-store outlets. The company can create an app with flyers of weekly store sales, promotions, and online check-out options. Having a presence online whether it be a webpage or an application, will help provide the convenience of shopping from home as well as attract from traffic. The popularity of social media is a perfect opportunity for Trader Joe's because it allows them to become more active at minimal cost. The value chain analysis, five forces, and swot analysis help provide Trader Joe's an insight of the supermarket industry. The company's competitive advantage and current opportunities and threats can either help or harm the company's competitive sustainability in the future. Additionally, Trader Joe's can set themselves apart from their competitors by developing social media outlets, by increasing advertisement, and innovating new products in their stores. The company has successfully created a brand for its company using various strategy compared to their competitors. However, to continue growth Trader Joe's needs to implement the following strategies which will ensure competitive advantages. Without these planned initiatives, other competitors can easily purloin these strategies and move ahead of Trader Joe's.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Did the lead character kill his wife in memento Essay

Did the lead character kill his wife in memento - Essay Example This is through snap shots, notes, memos as well as tattoos (Botz-Bornstein, 2011. P.19). All these had information that could help him trace his wife’s killers. The efforts are meant to blind people in believing at some attackers killed his wife. In addition, it is a way of escaping guilt and reality on his side (Sobczak, 1998. P. 61). The second point that supports my argument is the fact that Leonard relies on information from Natalie and Teddy who are in a mission to ensure that Leonard murders people for their selfish gain. This is evidenced by the plans of Teddy to have drug dealers as well as other people killed by Leonard (Basting, 2009, P. 72). Teddy wants all these people out of her way for his own reasons. It is surprising that Natalie arranges for teddy’s death because he was responsible for killing her boyfriend. This also was meant to be executed by Leonard (Botz-Bornstein, 2011, P. 31). According to Teddy and Natalie, they are controlling and directing Leonard. However, it is not in their knowledge that they are only managing the plans already set by Leonard. In a keen study of all these twisted events, it is certain that Leonard killed his wife. The third point that supports my argument is the fact that memory is both physical and psychological. It enables us to hold down things that we are trying to escape. Leonard narrates to us a story of Jankins which helps us distinguish between physical and psychological aspects of memory (Basting, 2009, P. 101). Leonard places himself in the physical category while he places Jankins in the psychological category. However, a closer look at this movie reveals that Leonard is in fact Jankins. The truth is that the final memory that Leonard has of his wife is that of injecting her with an overdose of insulin, hence, killing her. However, Leonard claims that the final memory of her wife is of the attack and rape by unknown people (Sobczak, 1998. P. 103). Finally, Leonard

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Research proposal needed - on alumni from the University of Kentucky Paper

Proposal needed - on alumni from the University of Kentucky Prestonsburg, KY and Hazard, KY Masters of Social Work Programs - Research Paper Example This research will be based on approximately a hundred and forty graduates of the social work masters program from both campuses. Information of respondent candidates who will be reached will represent the different outcomes between the two campuses with regards to their participation and progress in the community. The research seeks to gather information from both female and male graduates to equally represent all graduates of the two campuses. The results may be consistent with the hypothesis of the author. We suspect that graduates from the Prestonsburg Kentucky campus are more active in their community volunteer projects than graduates from the Kentucky Hazard campus are. More graduates of the University of Prestonsburg Kentucky campus social work masters program are probably licensed clinical social workers and may be more involved in the National Association of Social Work as than graduates of the Social work masters program from the Kentucky Hazard campus. The research seeks to come up with tangible evidence concerning field applications of the program. The results points out why MSW graduates of the Kentucky MSW Hazard campus should be encouraged to engage themselves in more meaningful community volunteer activities and the National Association of social work. The research also highlights the reasons why the program should incorporate measures of encouraging and motivating its students to be more involved with activities of social work after successful completion of the program. According to Kentucky annual report (2009, p25), alumni of the social work programs engage in humanitarian activities such as caring for the elderly, school social work, and mental health counseling. However, the hazard program is proved to have limitations in graduate field applications with regards to community volunteer programs. Moreover, some MSW graduates are found to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Current political debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Current political debate - Essay Example But today, Syria is one of Israel’s most uncompromising opponents and will do anything to gather arms to attack against it and openly speaks against Israel. The recent unrest began in the city Deraa in March 2011. This was the wave of the Arab unrest which started with the Tunisian revolution. But in Syria, it finally arrived when the Deraa’s residents protested against torturing students for putting up a slogan fight against the government. They had written the popular slogan from the uprising in Tunisia and Egypt: â€Å"The people want the downfall of the regime† and the protestors later continued to call for democracy and freedom but not the removal of the president. This anti-government protest reached out to other cities across the country and the army besieged them as the â€Å"armed gang and terrorists† (Guide: Syria Crisis 2012). Cities including â€Å"Baniyas, Homs, Hama and the suburbs of Damascus† were involved in the protest. The debate started when it it became clear what the protestors really wanted. They needed democracy and a greater freedom because Syria is one of the most oppressed countries in the Arab world. President Assad was demanded to resign the moment the army opened fire against the peaceful protest. The situation became out of local authority’s control. It was president’s brother Maher who asked the army to â€Å"crush† the citizens of Syria (Guide: Syria Crisis 2012). The residential areas were destroyed and many people were killed. President Assad refuses to step down from his chair but he did promise reforms in April 2011 for improvement in certain eminent sectors of the country. In a referendum help in February 2012, a multi-party elections was approved by the constitution. People are still apprehensive about the promises made by the president as long as the blood-shed continues. Being a country of almost twenty million

Toyota Company in China Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Toyota Company in China Case Study - Essay Example As argued out by Griffin (2011), Strategic planning can be viewed as an integral action of management. Predictions are part of the fundamentals of strategic planning and are perceived as a scientifically premeditated speculation that possesses both uncontrollable as well as controllable elements. Controllable factors are easily predicted as opposed to uncontrollable factors that demands suitable provisions (Patnaik 2012, p. 27). Simerson (2011) contends that strategic planning offers the highly needed direction as well as focus. It permits an industry to establish what is significant and to apprehend what every firm factor ought to add to the individual team as well as to the success of the firm. Besides, Henry (2008) points out that strategic planning enables new firms to make critical decisions regarding the market in which it functions, value addition to customers or clients, exceptional abilities, skills as well as knowledge its workers must possess. This paper will attempt to ex plore the corporate strategies employed by Toyota Company to strengthen its presence in Chinese market. 2. Strategies 2.1 Market Entry Strategy This paper will use the Porters five forces model as well as SWOT analysis in assessing the market entry strategy employed by Toyota Company to enter the Chinese market. Hill and Jones (2007) affirm that once the boundary of an organisation has been established, strategic planning managers are faced with the task of analysing competitive forces with the organisational climate to establish threats and opportunities. The Porter’s five forces model sheds more light on the five integral forces that shapes competition within an organisation. It also examines the degree of rivalry among firms, the bargaining strength of suppliers, as well as the... This paper will use the Porters five forces model as well as SWOT analysis in assessing the market entry strategy employed by Toyota Company to enter the Chinese market. Hill and Jones (2007) affirm that once the boundary of an organisation has been established, strategic planning managers are faced with the task of analysing competitive forces with the organisational climate to establish threats and opportunities. The Porter’s five forces model sheds more light on the five integral forces that shapes competition within an organisation. It also examines the degree of rivalry among firms, the bargaining strength of suppliers, as well as the proximity of the alternatives to the firm’s product as well as the bargaining strength of customers or buyers. This model stipulates that the higher the degree of strength of each of the five forces, the less the capacity of the identified firms to hike prices and rip maximum returns. In this model, a strong competitive force can be p erceived as threat. This is attributed to the fact that stronger competitive forces suppress returns. On the other hand, weak competitive forces can be perceived as opportunity. This is because weak forces enable a firm to make bigger profits (Patnaik 2012). According to Dyck and Neubert (2008), the strength of the five forces can undergo histrionic transformation via time as the firm situations are altered. The core task of strategic planning managers is to acknowledge how the critical five forces results.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cross-cultural Opportunities and Conflicts in Canada Essay

Cross-cultural Opportunities and Conflicts in Canada - Essay Example Discussion a Who are the stakeholders? That is, identify the different groups of people whom are affected by choices in this instance. Also, include in your analysis how many different ways different groups of people are affected. Canada is among the nations that embrace cultural differences as a form of economic and cultural opportunity. In Canada, immigrants are always comfortable and majority has attained their personal goals. Globally, people should learn to understand, accept, regard and acknowledge cultural diversity. Most crucial, cultural difference is the foundation for the success of Canada. Most global organizations, immigrants, Canadian leaders and business entrepreneurs face an intensive challenge in managing diverse cultures, for instance, Occidental Petroleum Company in Canada. Canada’s growth opportunities occur in the developing markets, whereby the requirements are nearly infinite. Canada must venture in those marketplaces. Both European nations and N. Americ a are the main markets and therefore, competition may be challenging for companies in Canada to explore them further, (Tierney, 2007). Therefore, Canadian cultural diversity gives the country an extensive advantage to take part in developing global markets. This is because cultural diversity accords Canada all the competence that other powerful competitors have. ... or instance, Canadians are sensitive, respectful and dynamic; Canada cherishes unity in diversity, respects cultural diversity (diverse traditions and views) and people. This makes the country well considered when dealing with international business and gives Canada an opportunity to capitalize on different capacities. Individuals from diverse nations and origins have reinforced the economy of Canada. Immigrants from different countries are mainly hard workers who bring diverse talents, competences, expertise and skills to Canadian companies and markets, (Chalmers, 1996). They are principled people who promote the reputation of Canada and are beneficial to the nation. Since Canada gives equal opportunities for both Canadians and immigrants - or people from different ethnic backgrounds outside Canada – to attain their objectives and develop, Canada has an opportunity to develop technologically, economically, culturally and socially from different talents and skills of non- Cana dians. Cultural diversity adds value to Canadian companies, governments and cultures. Multiculturalism makes the country rich in that they participate and offer their skills, expertise and knowledge in international business. Similarly, the country can efficiently utilize ethnocultural aspects in the society of Canada to obtain a share of developing markets. This is because availability of diverse ethnic people is a critical mechanism for Canada. For instance, in Canadian delegation almost 25% of the business entrepreneurs are immigrants from Vietnam. These Vietnamese can well describe to Vietnam authorities the potential benefits that Canada can offer to Vietnam and the form of business connections to be created. Similarly, Vietnamese in Canada settlements can easily eliminate cultural gaps and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coursework Example Higher interest rates mean that lenders in a particular economy are able to enjoy higher return, more that in countries where there are low interest rates. Further, high interest rates are able to attract foreign capital and lead to high exchange rates. The effects of high interest rates are solved if inflation in a particular country is slightly higher than in other countries. There are also cases whereby the impact of high interest rates can be mitigated through other factors that function to lower the currency (Madura, 1998: 14). Effective exchange rates are usually used to determine country’s currency value in relation to other strong currencies in the index. Some of the world’s currency indexes include the U.S dollar, Japanese Yea and the euro. These currencies are adjusted to lower the effects of inflation in some countries. In addition, effective exchange may also refer to the value consumers are likely to pay for an imported commodity. The price usually comprise s of any tariffs and other costs incurred as a result of the process of importation (Somanath, 2011: 220). 2. Inefficiencies in Exchange Rates and Arbitrage Profits Arbitrage profits are made when traders purchase and sell their assets so that they can take advantage of the difference in the price. In particular, arbitrage profits arise due to the exploitation of price differences and takes place in similar financial instruments. In addition, prices can be exploited on different markets as well as in different ways. Arbitrage profits arise due to the efforts geared towards ensuring that prices do not fall from fair value over long periods of time (Clark and Ghosh, 2004: 2). Further, arbitrage refers to the simultaneous buying and selling of a commodity or asset in different markets with the main aim of making profits from the difference in buying and selling prices. For example, the dollar price of a British pound may be 1.70 pounds in London but 1.40 pounds in Paris, a trader can b uy 1 pound in Paris then sell that pound in London and make some profit (0.3) per pound sold. If the trader buys 10 million pounds, 3000,000 pounds profit will be realized before any transaction costs, if any exist (Clark and Ghosh, 2004: 2). Arbitrage can be seen as an exploitation of the misalignment of market quotes. In a perfectly competitive market, the evident price differentials that lead to arbitrage profits cannot exist. In essence, arbitrage profit is as a result of market imperfection in which traders buy cheap and sell expensively. In foreign exchange markets, traders have the opportunity to buy and sell continuously. This takes place through the exchange of one currency for another and again for another currency, finally getting back to the original currency in the series of instantaneous transactions, and thus leading to profits (Clark and Ghosh, 2004: 2). 3. Problems of Making Payment in a Foreign Currency in the Future The demand of a foreign currency will certainly affect the price of products to be purchased from that country. Trader therefore, needs to know demand on foreign currencies. The cost of a product may be higher compared to domestic substitutes when the demand of a foreign currency is high. Further, the choice of foreign currency also depends on the investment opportunities available in the particular country and those available in the domestic market. A trader will demand a foreign currency if he or she can transact business cheaply. The demand of a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discuss the Greek background into which Christianity developed during Essay

Discuss the Greek background into which Christianity developed during the first century A.D.and discuss the Jewish bckground into which Christianity was born uring the first century A.D - Essay Example ace, the order would have to overcome the culturally and religiously embedded polytheistic ideas that served as a bridge between the current Greek society and the historical Greek society. Making the cultural transition from this set of religious doctrine to that of the Christian one would not be seamless; however, there were aspects of the Greek religious and cultural landscape that facilitated the shift in parallel to one taking place in the Roman Empire. The Greek religious context of First Century Christianity was predominantly one of an ideologically opposed polytheism in which a pantheon of different gods and goddesses took part in influencing the course of human and natural events. The hierarchy of gods, with a king Zeus having a level of power over other gods, displays a very anthropomorphic center in the Greek folk religion. Each of these gods and goddesses possessed control over some general category of nature, or, in other cases, some abstract concepts. The Greek deities were immortal but not all-powerful (omnipotent). The gods were subject to a sense of fate that could not be violated. Like human beings, the Greek deities were not perfect, and often had extensive relationships with human beings. The gods had human vices and fell victim to the same kinds of weaknesses in will that humans are famous for, such as the will to outdo others in competition. In addition, the Greeks associated certain individual gods with cities, su ch as the famous association of Athena with the city of Athens. Clearly, there are some ideological parallels between this description of Ancient Greek faith and the orthodox Christianity that emerged in the First Century. The Christian God was immortal (though omnipotent), and was profoundly anthropomorphic, especially in the traditional Old Testament conception. The hierarchy of gods in the Greek religion corresponds to the hierarchy of the orthodox faith, especially in what many Christians would come to create with the Great

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis NASA Challenger Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Analysis NASA Challenger Case - Essay Example Administrators owe their loyalty to the employees, students, school districts and the parents. Employees rely on the information given to them by the administrators. In addition, parents have trusted the administrators to protect their children. Moreover, school districts have mandated the administrators to achieve laid down goals and objectives. Finally, students expect administrators to ensure their safety and quality service delivery to them. In order for the administration to protect their relationship with employees, they give this type of recommendation when getting rid of their employees. They give an employee a chance of another employment by another institution. In most cases friendship tend to have outdo honesty. Administrators tend to offer half-truths about their employees due to friendship. However, that not ought to be the case. Honesty in the workplace is fundamental, since it ensures that there is trust among the administrators. In addition, honest information makes one to make right decisions. In the Gadam’s case, the administrators said nothing about Gadam’s behavior. This may have been due to the friendship that existed between the administrators and Gadam. Moreover, due to the fear of tarnishing the reputation of the institutions by a negative recommendation letter about one of their employee. In the NASA case, the managers are fully responsible for the explosion. Despite their knowledge in engineering and the reasons the engineers gave against the launch, they adamantly gave an okay for the launch of the rocket. In addition, they decided to throw their engineering knowledge to the wind and embrace the management skills. I would have tried to persuade the managers not to launch the rocket, if I was in the position of McDonald or Boisjoly. Moreover, I could have warned the six astronauts and Christa McAuliffe about the danger they were about to get

Monday, July 22, 2019

Travel literature Essay Example for Free

Travel literature Essay Travel literature took place around the 19th century. It was also known as the Augustan Age, the Age of Enlightens or the Neo Classical Age. The art of journeying is a process of self-discovery and to discover new destination, culture and place.During the Industrial Revolution in Europe, traveling became very popular. The Europeans especially the Portuguese, Dutch, English and Spanish started to explore new places in the East. The first expedition to the east was conquered by the Portuguese. In November 1497, Vasco da Gama led the first major European excursion into the Indian Ocean at Cape of Good Hope which was the gateway to South East Asia. The second expedition was led by Alfonso de Albuquerque who extended their power eastwards by gaining control of Malacca in 1511. When the Portuguese first arrived at the beginning of the sixteenth century, the leading emporium of western South-East Asia was Malacca. It continued the practice of other great ports of earlier years where ships from India, China and Java converged on Malacca. They usually will not come at the same time because each group had to plan an inward and a return voyage to fit the seasonal changes of the monsoon winds. The cultural observations made by various writers are what I am going to discuss and it is based on J.M. Gullicks Adventures and Encounters in South East Asia. The two stories that I have chosen to discuss are King Mongkut faces the Camera by John Thomson and Sultan Yusuf faces the Death and Turns Back by Hugh Clifford. John Thomson is a professional photographer who made his appearance in the second half of the nineteenth century. John Thomson (1837-1921) is a Scotsman, who arrived in Singapore in 1862 to join his brother William in the business of watchmaker and photographer. His travels brought him to Bangkok in 1865, and then went to Cambodia to take photographs of the ruins of Angkor Watt. Later he set up his business in Hong Kong and from there made trips to China to take photographs. He became a fashionable photographer in the West End of London, in later part of his life. Thomsons most reliable and outstanding writing was when he had a trip to Bangkok during the reign of King Mongkut (r.1851-68), where he photograph the palace and the king. John Thomson has talked about many cultural observations in his passage called King Mongkut Faces the Camera. Throughout his observations, Thomson has always compares the Local Culture to his own Home Culture. The Home Culture has become a kind of yardstick for his view and reasoning about the Local Culture. After Thomson was better acquainted with Krum-mun-alongkot, he was introduced to his family circle. He had, I believe, sixteen wives, although I never saw more than twelve at a time; some of these were young and pretty.1 The wives were usually engaged in embroidery. They also practiced the habit of chewing betel-nuts and smoking cigarettes. The children on the other hand were also born with cigarettes in their mouths2 According to John Thomson, he actually saw a child leaving its mothers breast for a smoke. In this observation of his, Thomson uses his Home Culture as a yardstick for the reason and view of the local culture. Therefore, he disapproves the idea of more wives, smoking cigarettes and chewing betel-nuts which cannot be found in his culture and consider that the westerns are more civilized. He even regards it as a pity by saying; I thought it a pity to see them smoking cigarettes, or chewing betel-nuts, the teeth blackened with the incrustation and their mouths disfigured with blood-red juice; they also perforce a nasty habit of spitting into golden vases which their slaves help up dutifully for the purpose.3 He regards their behavior has pity because as a member of the royal family, they are not portraying or setting a good example for others. Usually high rank monarchs set a good example to the public. On top of this, the idea of the children who were born with the cigarettes in their mouths is also considered uncivilized. Children at such a young age should not be exposed to bad habits like this. They are to be brought up in a healthy environment and thought the rightful things in life. Thomson also disapproves the way the servants were treated. They have to hold the golden vases for their mistress to spit their betel-nuts juice and crowd in their hands and knees behind their masters. Around his singular figure were grouped a number of his attendants and slaves, who crowded reverently on their hands and knees and they had also perforce a nasty habit of spitting into golden vases which their slaves help up dutifully for the purpose.4 Thomson regards the servant as Slaves because they do not have a social stand in the society. They are treated like slaves and when Thomson saw this, it came as a shock to him. Again, he finds it an uncivilized behaviour compared to his own country. I think that Thomson did not give a fair description on this matter because he is judging based on his home culture and therefore it has become a yardstick for his reason and view. He did not spend much time in Thai to observe and learn about the culture. He only comments on his observation through his short stay in Thai. He did not take the trouble to find out why they are practicing it. In other words Thomson is trying to affirm his superiority by saying the West is more civilized than the East. According to Thomsons point of view, Thai was a much modernized country. This is pictured through the observation that was done in the palace. The room in which we were received was filled with foreign machinery, scientific instruments and articles of domestic use. ..there was a telegraphic machine, backed by a statue of Buddha..There were also watch tools, turning-lathes and telescopes, guitars, tom-toms, fiddles and hand-saws; while betel-nut boxes, swords, spears, and shoe-brushes, rifles, revolvers, Windsor-soap, rat-paste, brass wire and beer bottles, were mingled in heterogeneous confusion.5 Although the Siamese have all the modern equipment with them yet they do not know how to use it or the purposes of it. They only display it to show that they too posses it. For example, in one corner there was a telegraphic machine, backed by a statue of Buddha.6 This shows that they do not know how to use a telegraphic machine and just display it like a statue of Buddha. From this passage we know that the Thai are very ignorant to the foreign instrument and Thomson feels what they really need is a practical use of knowledge. They simply accept the modernization with out knowing its practical usage. According to Thomson, the Thai monarch believes that by doing miracle to the country, the people will look up at him and he can become a very powerful person. In this point of view, Thomson has managed to give a fair and objective view of the Thai who are so ignorant in using the modern equipment. They simply display it without knowing its purpose. For example the entire room was filled with modern equipment together with betel-nut boxes, swords, spears and shoe-brushes7. This clearly shows that the Thai did not have any knowledge on the use of the equipment and they simply put it together with other unwanted or unimportant items. The idea of appropriation is due to the process of post colonial which takes over the local culture. Although Thai has never been colonilized by any foreign forces, yet it has the influence of westernization through the impact of modernization of the country by King Mongkut. Therefore the idea of appropriation has been adopted by the local people and it has a great impact in the local culture. The idea of appropriation in the Thai culture can be seen through many aspects such in the Siamese Kings English and also in the hybrid image of the Siamese Women. The idea of appropriating is to take one as its own. Therefore when the king of Thai speaks his Siamese English, we can say that he is appropriating the English. This is because, he not only mixing his own Thai language with the English but also speaks bad English. Mr Town-shun, ..Ah! you are Scotchman, and speak English I can understand; there are Englishmen here who have not understanding of their own language when I speak.8 The Siamese kings English is not only very amusing to the readers but also becomes as an dramatic irony because the king does not realize that he speaks bad English and at the same time was commenting to Thomson about his own Englishmen who could not understand their own language when he speaks. Therefore, what Thomson is trying to say is the West is appropriating the East by colonization yet here the king of Siam is appropriating the English by thinking that he speaks good English compare to the Englishmen and does not realize that his English is bad. The Siamese women who were trying to mimic the western ladies draws the attention of Thomson. The imitations of English ladies were particularly ludicrous, for while the contrast between the graceful, modest native costumes and the huge crinoline and chignon of the West, could not fail to strike every beholder.9 Thomson totally disapproves the idea of the Thai women who were trying to imitate the English women. According to him, it losses its value and draws the contras. He like the Siamese ladies to be Siam and not to mimicry the foreigners. The Siamese women dressed in western style create a hybrid image. It does not portray their culture and belongings. Therefore, the both examples that were mentioned above, Thomson has given a fair judgment and how it reflects a negative view on the Thai culture. The hair cutting ceremony or also known as coming to age ceremony is also an official ceremony carried out to the young Prince who has come to the throne. It is also known as the Tonsure or So-Kan Festival. I afterwards attended the great Tonsure Festival, or So-Kan, as the Siamese call it, when the heir-apparent, Prince Chowfa Chul-along-korn, who has since come to the throne, was deprived of the pride, pomp and circumstance of a sacred Brahminical rite.10 Thomson describes every procedure in full detail and in each he gives a full description of what was going on. He also gives a very positive and objective view of the local custom and culture which was carried out. Within the grounds of the first kings place, there is a large paved quadrangle ..known as mount Khrai-lat, and bearing a tiny shrine upon its summityoung Prince thrice around the sacred mount khrai-lat. Later two ladies, who was waiting belowbathe his feet in a silver urn. Thence he betakes himself to a temple hard by, where the top-knot is solemnly removed.11 Thomson gives a full description of the entire ceremony from the beginning to the end. He even commons by saying The entire ceremony is long and tedious and I was the only European who witnessed this important part of the Brahminical ceremony.12 In his observations on the hair cutting ceremony, Thomson has not only given a very lengthy description of the ceremony and its importance but also marks his present as a very important one. In this aspect, Thomson has list down his observation which was very unique to him. This was something new to him and he was so amused by it. He give a lengthy description about the entire observation and it gives the readers a better view of what a hair cutting ceremony is all about. Thomson was requested to company Krum-mun-alongkot a chief astronomer and the king Mongkuts royal brother. Thomson notices that he was dressed, when at home, in a light jacket, much too small to cover him and wore a band of silk around his loins. His shrunken limbs were bare and his feet encased in richly-embroidered slippers; but on other occasions, when he paid me a visit, for example, he assumed much more ample and costly attire.13 For a foreigner like Thomson, to see a monarch with Bare Limbs comes as a cultural shock. This is because the royal families in the west are very well dressed and very formal at all times. They do not choose to dress freely as they wish at home and quite formal for occasion. Therefore when Thomson saw Krum-mun-alongkot, in two different ways, it was like a kind of shock to him . Although kind and hospitable, the Prince was not a man calculated to inspire awe into his beholders.14 Indirectly, it also suggests that Thomson was affirming his superiority compare to the Thais. Therefore, he affirmers that although the Thai monarchs are kind and hospitable yet it does not give any positive impression about them compare to the westerns. In this point of view, I totally disagree with Thomson because he did not give a fair judgment. In the Asian society each country has its own traditional costume. Therefore, the Prince attire of a short jacket and silk might be their traditional costume and the Prince might be comfortable with it. Therefore, Thomson can not make his judgment comparing the Prince attire to his own monarch who dressed more formally. Hugh Clifford came much later and became a legendary figure. He had begun his colonial career at the age of seventeen. In a period of conflict between Malay resistance in Pahang and colonial expansion, he rose rapidly to the senior ranks of the government, becoming a Resident when he was under thirty five. He was then suspected to be poisoned but recovered to pursue a more prosaic middle career in other British colonies. In 1927 he realized his long cherished hope of returning to Malaya as governor. However, within a couple of years he was disabled by insanity which lasted to his death in 1941. Clifford was a prolific writer and often a powerful one. He likes to write about the Malay aristocratic and the village life of the Malay states in the late 19th century. One of his personal experiences with the local is Sultan Yusuf Faces Death and Turns Back. Hugh Clifford like wise John Thomson has talked about much cultural observation especially about the Malay aristocratic and the village life of the Malay States. His close relationship with the local monarchs is pictured in Sultan Yusuf Faces Death and Turns Back. Cliffords point of view on the cultural observations can be divided into some subtopic as well. In Cliffords passage called Sultan Yusuf Faces Death and Turns Back, the sultan of Perak called Sultan Yusuf was afflicted by a tumor of the brain, which the European doctors predicted would be fatal. However Sultan Yusuf and many of his Malay subjects, believe that his illness was the result of a curse laid upon him by Megat Pandia ( a withchdoctor).15 In the Malay society, top priorities are given to superstitious believe. In the passage of Sultan Yusuf, although the European doctors have confirmed that Sultan Yusuf is afflicted with brain tumor and predicted that he might live a day or two yet the locals did not believe it and think that his sickness is caused by a curse laid upon him by a witchdoctor called Megat Pandia due to some money problem. So, to break the spell upon Sultan Yusuf, a local medicine-man is called to perform the ceremony. So the medicine-men pattered charms and exorcisms unceasingly; and when the fits seized the King, the most daring and the most mendacious among them would cry out that he beheld the Bajang ( the Familiar One) and his horrible spouse the Lang Suir (the Weird Kite-Hag) sitting over against the body of their victim.16 After the medicine-man has performed his ceremony, the Sultan slowly regains conscious and started to live a normal life. Later, Clifford also explains that on the same day Megat Pandia was found death and the cause of his death is natural. Although we find it hard to believe of what had happen to Megat Pandia and Sultan Yusuf, yet the events that took place shows that the presents of supernatural elements are true and believable especially in the case of Sultan Yusuf. Hugh Clifford has given us of his personal observation and not his opinion. Therefore, although it is unbelievable, yet because he himself encounters it and have lived with the Malay society for many years, make us accepts his point of view which comes as a fact. According to the observation done by Clifford, the sickness of the King also became a national crisis. When the King falls sick, the people too felt the pain. According to Clifford, the people gathered around the balai where the King was laid to see, touch and feel by pressing their hand on him for the last time. Then we, who sat nearest to him, laid violent hands upon him to restrain his struggles and to shampoo his tortured limbsthey made this part of their duty serve as an occasion for touching and pressing the hands of one or another of the young Rajas whose devotion to their dying monarch.17 From the small description, Clifford has made the readers realize of how the Malay society thinks highly on the King and country. Clifford has explained to us of how they show their respect by spending their nights beside the Kings bed by shampooing him to restrain his struggles. Through this small passage, Clifford has made us realize how the locals are so loyal and faithful to their King. Through this, he has managed to give a fair and objective view of the local culture. There are also some minor aspects that Clifford has touch in the passage called Sultan Yusuf Faces Death and Turns Back. The influence of Islamic aspects is very much clear in their daily life. The locals are very much adapted to the religious terms like Ya Allah! Ya Tuhan- Ku and Lam-alif. Lam- alif here refers to a letter the wedded consonant and vowel which forms the first portion of the profession of Muhammadan faith.18 Lam-alif is a kind of holy word that often used when someone is in the sick bed. According to Clifford who has mentioned how Sultan Yusuf who was in the process of dying, confess Lam-alif At Last he said, Guru, I behold the Lam-alif!.19 This shows how the locals have adopted to the term that has become a part of their daily life and culture. Chewing betel-nuts also become a culture of the locals. Clifford has made an observation on this, when Sultan Yusufs guru smiled. The gurus smile widened till his red, betel-stained gash of a mouth extended almost from ear to ear.20 This shows how frequently they chew betel-nuts. Like wise in Siam, it is also a part of the Malay tradition to chew betel-nuts. From the above description, we can say that Clifford has observed very closely of the Malay culture and give an objective view of their practice and living style. As a result, the cultural observation done by John Thomson on King Mongkut faces the Camera and Hugh Cliffords Sultan Yusuf Faces the death and Turns Back has come out with their own perception and view. John Thomson gives his fair judgment in the things he agrees and eventually disagrees when he finds something that is contrast or that is unacceptable. For example he admires King Mongkut and the way he was dressed. I must confess that I felt much impressed by his appearance, as I had never been in the presence of an anointed sovereign before.. His dress was a robe of spotless white;I was admiring the simplicity and purity of this attire.21 Thomson being very frank by saying how he feels about certain things. In another example, when he finds the women are mimicry the western ladies, he gives a negative point of view. The imitations of English ladies were particularly ludicrous.22 Through out Thomsons observation in Siam is based on his Home Culture and therefore he agrees to certain accepts and disagrees in others. Where else in the Hugh Cliffords passage called Sultan Yusuf faces the death and Turns Back, he has given a full description of his personal observation only. Hugh Clifford did not make any commandments or give his personal opinion on his observation. His observations are mainly of what he sees. He gave two different account on the situation the leave it to the readers to judge and make their own stand between the death of the Sultan. The Europeans doctors explained that the growth of the tumor on the Kings brain had been suddenly arrested and the case was quoted as one of the unparallel interest but the Malays say that the King went near to lose his life at the hands of Megat Pendias Familiar.23 WORK CITED 1. Gullick J. M. , Adventures and Encounters Europeans in South East Asia, Oxford University Press, New York,1995. 2. Coedes G. , The Indianised States of Southest Asia, East West Center Press, Honolulu, 1968. 3. Pratt Mary Louise, Imperial Eyes, Travel Writing and Transculturation, Routledge, London, 1992. 4. Spurr David, The Rhetoric of Empire, Duke University Press, London. 1933. 5. Lecture Notes. 6. 1 Gullick J.M, Adventures and Encounters Europeans in South East Asia, Oxford University Press, New York,1995. Pg 84. 2 Ibid. Pg. 84 3 Ibid. Pg.84 4 Ibid. Pg. 82 and 84 5 Ibid. Pg. 82 and 83 6 Ibid. Pg. 82 7 Ibid. Pg. 83 8 Ibid. Pg. 84 9 Ibid. Pg. 88 10 Ibid. Pg. 87 11 Ibid. Pg. 87 and 89 12 Ibid. Pg. 89 13 Ibid. Pg. 82 14 Ibid. Pg. 82 15 Ibid. Pg. 96 and 97 16 Ibid. Pg. 100 17 Ibid. Pg. 99 18 Ibid. Pg. 102 19Ibid. Pg. 102 20 Ibid. Pg. 101 21 Ibid. Pg. 85 22 Ibid. Pg. 88 23 Ibid. Pg. 105

Electoral Processes of Thailand and Great Britain Essay Example for Free

Electoral Processes of Thailand and Great Britain Essay Electoral Process of Kingdom of Thailand and Kingdom of Great Britain The election is a formal decision making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold office. Elections may fill offices in the legislative, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. The universal use of election as a tool for selecting representatives in modern democracies is in contrast with the practice in the democratic archetype. Kingdom of Great Britain conducts such election since 17th century. On the otherhand, the Kingdom of Thailand have their first general election on 1993which is called to be indirect because of large number of population. Since both Kingdom of Great Britain and Kingdom of Thailand have constitutional monarchy as form of their government, these two kingdoms have some basic similarities in decision making process-election. The Kingdom of Thailand used the multi member system in constituencies for the election of senate and combination of plurality and proportional system for the election of HoR. On the other hand, Kingdom of Great Britain used the system commonly called â€Å"First Past The Post System† of election to the West Minster Parliament, taking into account four requirements, namely broad proportionality; the need for stable government; an extension of voter choice; and the maintenance of a link between MP’s and geographical constituencies. These two kingdom’s aims primarily to eliminate problems in elections such as vote buying, cheating, and the partisan conduct of government officers. This paper aims to analyse the significance of the election systems used in conducting such elections in determining of how many representative/s in each province or division; how many votes a candidate or political party accumulates or how much it is ahead of other candidate/party to hold office; and how do it avoid election problems such as party switching. For more understanding, questions will be answered such as, who can vote? Who can run as candidate for a public office? Keywords: Election, Public Office, Legislative, Executive, Judiciary, Democratic, Kingdom of Great Britain, Kingdom of Thailand, HoR, Senate, Multi-Member System, Plurality and proportional System, First-Post-The-Past System, Party Switching.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of Candle Magic

History of Candle Magic Introduction and Historically Speaking The history of candle magic or fire can be traced back to Paleolithic times. Fire is a source of inspiration and its immense power that inspired awe and wonder from ancient man in the early years of our development. Fire, not only kept the cave man warm, cooked his food, but also frightened away animals for their security. Can you imagine back in the past not having electricity and having to eat by candle light every night? Today we take so much for granted and now we treat eating by candle light a special occasion. Well historically the very first known candle-type was called rushlights and this was the first use of beeswax and use of animal fats. The process for making rushlights was soaking pithy reeds in animal fats and/or beeswax. This was noted as early as 3000 BC. As tombs of rulers were being unearthed they found candles resembling todays beeswax candles. It wasnt until the Romans improved candle making and used wicks of woven fibers to light up their places of worship and their homes. Before the first candles were invented, ancient cultures used oil lamps for light. The oil lamps are much like the ones we have today with a fiber wick. Back in ancient days the wick was made of flax and their burned as fuel plant oils, olive oil, beeswax and animal fats. The original meaning of the word candle comes from a Latin word Candere which meaning is â€Å"to shine.† Another ancient way to make candles came from India. They made candles for their temples and homes by boiling cinnamon and using the by-product of the boiling to create candles with. In India there was a ban to burn any candle made of animal fats because animals were considered scared. Candles are the physicaltool to connect to the Element of Fire. Fire has not only lit our way in this life, but it also corresponds directly to life and the creation there of. Although the importance of the candle died out with the invention of electricity and the light bulb, its still important in sacred religious ceremonies in many parts of the world. As history continued, humans quickly understood the need for light during the dark hours of the night. Later on, this power to illuminate took on a religious significance. In India, presenting a lit oil lamp in front of the God/Goddess is still practiced at home and in temples and it has become ceremonious practice. In Egypt, the followers of Isis kept her temple lamps lit at all hours, both day and night, to symbolize constant hope and life in the afterlife. In Paganism the Sabbat known as Yule (Dec 20-23) involves candles used on the Yule tree. The Festival of Lights, the Sabbat known as Imbolc (February 2nd) and is the Fire Festival for winter purification. In Irish Celtic belief is all centered around Saint Brigid, the Goddess of fire, fertility, home and hearth, livestock, crops, wisdom and poetry For Wiccans and Neo Pagans, this ceremony of lighting a candle signifies the element fire as we call upon the elements to join us in our ritual and draw from their energy. Knowing what candle to light, when to light, moon phases, and what colour to use can increase the potency of the intent of the practitioner. In Christianity lighting candles on or near the altar is an essential part of their practice. Assignment The following questions are to be submitted below at the link. Each answer should be answered in detail and should be in your own words. How do you use candles in your own practice? Why is Fire compared to life and important in ancient Egypts tombs? What is the importance of using candles during rituals and crafting work?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Biography Of Charles Dickens :: essays research papers

Biography of Charles Dickens There is something about Charles Dickens' imaginative power that defies explanation in purely biographical terms. Nevertheless, his biography shows the source of that power and is the best place to begin to define it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second child of John and Elizabeth Dickens, Charles was born on February 7, 1812, near Portsmouth on England's south coast. At that time John Dickens was stationed in Portsmouth as a clerk in the Navy Pay Office. The family was of lower-middle-class origins, John having come from servants and Elizabeth from minor bureaucrats. Dickens' father was vivacious and generous but had an unfortunate tendency to live beyond his means. his mother was affectionate and rather inept in practical matters. Dickens later used his father as the basis for Mr. Micawber and portrayed is mother as Mrs. Nickleby in A Tale of Two Cities. After a transfer to London in 1814, the family moved to Chatham, near Rochester, three years later. Dickens was about five at the time, and for the next five years his life was pleasant. Taught to read by his mother, he devoured his fathers' small collection of classics, which included Shakespeare, Cervantes, Defoe, Smollet, Fielding, and Goldsmith. These left a permanent mark on his imagination; their effect on his art was quite important. dickens also went to some performances of Shakespeare and formed a lifelong attachment to the theater. He attended school during this period and showed himself to be a rather solitary, observant, good-natured child with some talent for comic routines, which his father encouraged. In retrospect Dickens looked upon these years as a kind of golden age. His first novel, The Pickwick Papers, is in part an attempt to recreate their idyllic nature: it rejoices in innocence and the youthful spirit, and its happiest scenes take place in that precise geographical area.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the light of the family's move back to London, where financial difficulties overtook the Dickens's, the time in Chatham must have seemed glorious indeed. The family moved into the shabby suburb of Camden Town, and Dickens was taken out of school and set to menial jobs about the household. In time, to help augment the family income, Dickens was given a job in a blacking factory among rough companions. At the time his father was imprisoned for debt, but was released three months later by a small legacy. Dickens related to his friend, John Forster, long afterward, that he felt a deep sense of abandonment at this time; the major themes of his novels can be traced to this period. His sympathy for the victimized, his fascination with prisons and money, the desire

Friday, July 19, 2019

Electronic Forms of Expression :: Internet Technology Communication Essays

Electronic Forms of Expression The confusion of new forms of media can be overwhelming. For those of us who grew up with the Internet, it may not be all that difficult to grasp its concepts and to tackle its nuances; but for those who grew up with print, the transition between the two could be exhausting. The concepts in new forms of electronic expression are in their developmental stages—still trying to find a dynamic equilibrium between mimicking print and inventing new ways of performance. Electronic media are trying to take advantage of their unique characteristics, while not proving to be too tedious for the audience to understand. Janet Murray explores the virtual swamp of electronic media conventions in her chapter entitled â€Å"From Additive to Expressive Form,† in Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. Electronic forms of expression are still in a sort of primordial ooze phase, still clinging on to the life forms that previously inhabited the area, but trying desperately to create an evolutionary creature that is nothing like what a tourist in the area may have seen. In this case, the entire world has access to this digital environment. Murray’s claim is that â€Å"digital environments are encyclopedic† (83), or rather that we have the world at our fingertips: Since every form of representation is migrating to electronic form and all the world’s computers are potentially accessible to one another, we can now conceive of a single comprehensive global library of paintings, films, books, newspapers, television programs, and databases, a library that would be accessible from any point on the globe. It is as if the modern version of the great library of Alexandria, which contained all the knowledge about the ancient world, is about to rematerialize in the infinite expanses of cyberspace. (84). The Internet has encyclopedic capabilities that surpass any previous knowledge collecting endeavors. The pages that we move through seem almost infinite, offering different perspectives and intersecting accounts. These qualities lend a feeling of omniscience to the surfer. â€Å"The limitless expanse of gigabytes presents itself to the storyteller as a vast tabula rasa crying out to be filled with all the matter of life† (84). Filling this â€Å"limitless expanse† is not without complication. â€Å"The reality is much more chaotic and fragmented: networked information is often incomplete or misleading, search routines are often unbearably cumbersome and frustrating, and the information we desire often seems to be tantalizingly out of reach† (84).

Macbeth - Evil And Darkness :: essays research papers

The play "Macbeth" by Shakespeare is jam-packed with malfeasance and darkness. All actions taken by Macbeth, his wife, Lady Macbeth, the witches and Hecate have immoral intentions and/or evil outcomes. An example of such is Lady Macbeth’s dark intentions to quicken Macbeth’s crowning, fuelled Macbeth’s "vaulting ambition[s]" (Act 1 scene 7 line 27) to murder anyone or anything that stood in his path of a long reign. Shakespeare often uses darkness and will frequently set the scene as a dark and stormy night. This depicts that evil happenings are occurring or are about to take place. There are at least three examples of this in "Macbeth". "The night has been unruly: where we lay,/Our chimneys were blown down; and, as they say,/Lamentings heard i’ the air; strange screams of death,..." (Act 2 scene 3 line 54-56). "Three score and ten I can remember well;/Within the volume of which time I have seen/Hours of dreadful and things strange, but this sore night/Hath trifled former knowings." (Act 2 scene 4 line 1-4). Both these quotes are talking about the night of Duncan’s death. They are showing the comparisons between the natural unruliness and the anomalous disaster. "And yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp." (Act 2 scene 4 line 7) is a metaphor for both the murder of Duncan and the night in which it transpired. A dark and stormy image is also portrayed when pernicious characters (ie. the witches, Macbeth and the murderers) meet. The witches play a very important role in "Macbeth", as they initiate the evil plot. Even from the prologue we can see the witches are evil. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair:" (Act 1 scene 1 line 11). They uphold their evil status throughout the play although their power is not fully demonstrated until the prophecies come true and also later where they conjure up the three apparitions. The witches are truly evil and love evil for its own self unlike Macbeth. "Spiteful and wrathful; who. as others do,/Loves for his own ends, not for you." (Act 3 scene 5 line 12-13). Throughout the play they provide the strongest impression of evil. They are continually committing mischievous deeds, such as, "Killing swine" (Act 1 scene 3 line 2), tormenting sailors and casting spells. "Macbeth" is built upon evil and sorcery. Whether it be the witches "Double, double, toil and trouble;/Fire burn and cauldron bubble." (Act

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Maiden Voyage Essay

The given passage taken from Denton Welch’s Maiden Voyage starts with a clear and concise statement that brings focus on mainly three details, the first being that the writer is a lively and independent foreigner or in other words, an extrovert, the second and third being that the time is morning and there are two more characters, Mr Butler and Mr Roote involved respectively. Mr Butler clearly warns the writer that ‘foreigners are not welcome here’ and he should preferably stay out of the locals’ way. This tells us that the Chinese prefer being isolated and like mixing amongst themselves. This statement is quite ironic because Mr Butler himself seems as if he is of English origin. No outgoing traveller would like hearing this and naturally the writer doesn’t like being confined between the four walls of the room when he could be doing several other outdoor activities. The writer also uses strong emotional language such as ‘hated’, ‘fiercely’ and ‘brooding’ to reinforce this. The symbolism of the ‘moth eaten ball and the old tennis racket’ informs the reader that hardly anyone uses the sports equipment. The incredibly rebellious writer vents outs his anger by striking these old worn out balls fiercely against the stable doors. It is this lack of excitement that leads the stubborn writer to trouble. He decides to take matters to his own hands and foolishly escapes out in the country side. Whilst this escape from drudgery is happening, Mr Butler and Mr Roote are so deeply engrossed in their own conversation that they fail to realize that the writer is running away. To the reader, this clearly suggests that they are content not to look outside their own world and have not moved on from this morning’s conversation whereas the writer on the other hand has. The writer uses mysterious and exotic language to describe the country. The still silence, the hot sand, the ‘stunted bushes’ left the writer overwhelmed maybe because he was used to an entirely different landscape. The grass is tall, tall enough for a person to hide and was also described as ‘rank’ maybe because it had a stench to it and also, the fact that it was as ‘sharp as knives’ made it even more hard as well as dangerous to walk on. ‘The soles of my shoes began to burn’ suggests that temperatures were high, high enough to leave the writer dehydrated and exhausted. The reader is left behind with an image similar to that of that of a dream, a hot dream.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“As You Like It” Essay (Advanced English) Essay

A sentience of be keister be founded through with(predicate) with(predicate) an persons personal inclination to inherently connect with nigh opposite bulk. The fundamental interaction and interconnectedness of affinitys shadower be viewed as the near signifi whoremongert factor influencing an amusings sniff out of acceptance inwardly their surrounding environment and ultimately go out determine the level of stand they can acquire personally. The comedic play As You same(p) It composed by William Shakespe atomic number 18 (16th Century), examines the estimate of last to wad and its monumental influence oer an individual. Similarly, Ang Lees film gumption and Sensibility (1997), correspondingly explores the perception of be through the interaction and hint with populate and the kins that are innately developed. Through the uptake of characterisation at bottom both texts, the stamp is thoroughly explored to exert a deepened misgiving of give out to ci tizenry and how it can importantly influence an individual in approximately cases favorably. However, there are some instances where an individual can non observe a personal backbone of acceptance at heart the relationships they withhold and indeed do not achieve a mavin of affiliation within their societal surroundings.The idea that people and the relationships they develop are the most authoritative facet in deciphering ones sand of be, is thoroughly examined within Shakespeares As You Like It. This is unmingled through the characterisation of Rosalind and the sweet familial relationship she has with her cousin Celia. As they both were bred unitedly and grew up within the court , from their cradles to adulthood, both Celia and Rosalind obtain developed an inherent familial bond for one some other turn essential. Shakespeare emphasised on the winning and devout nature of their relationship to the reference by demonstrating Celias absolute dread for Rosalind over her own Father. This can be observed when Rosalind was banished from her home, the court, by Duke Fredrick (Celias commence). Celias sense of be to her father was attenuated as he betrayed her familial perpetrate and so asked him, Pronounce the sentence on me my liege, I cannot live without her company. The formality of the blank verse illustrates her detachment from her father and edges the break work through in their filial relationship. However, Shakespeare has utilise this to illuminate Celias loyalty and familial belonging to Rosalind, thus conveying their inseparable nature and the strong sense of affiliation between one another. (337)Similarly, in intellect and Sensibility the widowed mother Mrs. Dashwood and her troika daughters are exiled from their home ascribable to affectionate expectations. However, even with the removal of their topographic point of belonging it is their strong familial bonds and connections that allow them to pick up a sense of individua l affiliation. This is evident towards the beginning of the film when they are introduced to their hot home a small bungalow in the country side which has effective been juxtaposed with the Mansion seen in the previously. As they walk up towards the bungalow their is a long fissure that portrays the family walking towards the cottage together in a constellate group. Ang lee, has employ this positioning of the camera and the actors to peril the idea that it is within family they find belonging not place. This again supports the notion that belonging is most significantly founded within the people and relationships an individual withholds. (537)Furthermore, Shakespeares portrayal of the loving amorous relationship between Orlando and Rosalind additionally acts as a representation of how influential the contact between people can affect an individuals sense of belonging. With Rosalind and Orlando finding themselves in the Forest of Arden due to the external influences of powe rful men exerting their hate, much(prenominal) as Duke Fredrick and Oliver, both characters find themselves in similar circumstances. However, it is Orlandos go to sleep that demonstrates his sense of affiliation to Rosalind through metaphorical address by comparing her to precious objects. He passionately declares, No jewel is a interchangeable(p) Rosalind Her worth, being mounted on the come up which clearly exemplifies to the audition of his complete love for her. The hire of extensive amount of romantic poetry and adoring tone is used to demonstrate their love towards one another. And that they find their sense of belonging with one another no matter where they are and what place they are set, again emphasising the significance of contact between people becoming a poignant source of belonging for an individual.As each individual is intrinsically different, where relationships and interacting with others may offer joy to some, others find greater fulfillment in egotism- importance. Shakespeare clearly demonstrates this choice of belonging to self rather through the contact of other people, through the characterisation of Jaques. Being depict as melancholy Jaques chooses not to colligate with the people around him, and finds satisfaction in being alone. Jaques believes that the worst fault you have is to be in love. His cynical tone and attitude towards love and relationships demonstrate his choice not to retainer himself with others. In effect, Shakespeare uses prose to enhance ones brainwave into people who chose not to conform to belonging. This is a singular instance where an individual does not find a sense of belonging through the contact between people and the relationships developed, however, represents a lonely and melancholy life. impertinent to this, majority of the characters within Sense and Sensibility finds a sense of belonging through the people they associate with.In Sense and Sensibility, Marian falls in love to a young suitor named Willoughby. However, Willoughby chooses not to belong to Marian due to social expectations, which essentially, caused personal consequences for his sense of affiliation. These consequences become evident within the last scene, The marriage, when Marian has been blithely married to Brendan and the whole town is celebrating. in that location is a close medium shot of the both of them happily departing from the church, when the camera abruptly cuts to Willoughby up on a hill. disclose from the town he is looking down on the celebrations with a saddened expression. Through the use of camera techniques and expression it becomes evident to the audience that he feels a sense of censure and detachment from the people he in one case was closely affiliated with. This further emphasises the consequences that can come to an individual when they chose expectations and society over the people and relationships they withhold. Nevertheless, the consequences of being lonely is take to hi m and therefore, does not negatively affect him give careWilloughby.Moreover, the interconnectedness and affiliation with people is the most significant factor influencing an individuals sense of belonging or not belonging. Throughout the text As you like it and the film Sense and sensibility, this idea is thoroughly explored through the characters represented by the composers and the relationships they developed, either familial or romantic. However, although one can find significant belonging through another person, some can chose not to belong, such as Jaques or Willoughby and by choosing not to belong it can create consequences resulting in a sense of loneliness. However, there are singular instances, like Jaques, where choosing not to belong to people can create self fulfillment in ones self and a sense of belonging.